Within realization of the “Agreement on payment of the fee for the provision of utility infrastructure on construction land by construction of utility infrastructure; construction of utility infrastructure for the area of DSL Sector 38-Bigova and LSL Trašte; and reimbursement of excess costs incurred by the Bigova Bay”, Bigova Bay d.o.o. and its daughter company - BBI Development d.o.o., haverealized, in cooperation with the Municipality of Kotor, the first Contractor’s Agreement – Construction of the initial phase of the access road to Cape Trašte site in Bigova, including HV and LV installations, water supply, sewage and telecommunication.

Completion of the first phase of the works was celebrated today on the plateau in front of the St George’s Church in Bigova, and was followed by the constructed road route visit.



The attendees were firstly greeted by representative of the Bigova Bay Project’s Owner – Mr Walid Al Najjab, who emphasized that this was the first, but very important step, in transformation of the peninsula into exceptional holiday destination. 

Being socially responsible investors, we are pleased to be given the opportunity to participate into overall development of the Grbalj area. Overall infrastructure development concept includes construction of water supply systems, waste water treatment systems, stable and reliable power supply, fast communication services which will be of use for the entire community. All mentioned are necessary preconditions for development of the area of stunning natural beauty. Westepped out of our comfort zone when we decided, in collaboration with the Municipality of Kotor, to make investment and to construct a required access infrastructure which will be handed over to it immediately upon completion and which will be used not only for development of our resort but for much greater purpose – for the benefit of people living and working in Donji Grbalj area”, told Mr Al Najjab. 

He further stated that development of the Project, this overall area in the Municipality of Kotor will be directed to the open sea and distinguished it in the upcoming years.

I must commendthe design company Viaproject and their exceptional work on this road, along with the supervisor Cinetics Mobility Construction,and remarkable execution of the works by the civil engineering company Briv Construction. They performed their works in excellent manner and we intend to continue the cooperation with local companies in order to take advantage of all they can offer. As already stated at the beginning of the construction activities, when our project is in full swing, and a hotel and other amenities in function, there will be new job vacancies and other possibilities for the local community of Bigova as well as surrounding community without which active participation and full involvement these types of projects cannot succeed”, pointed Al Najjab.



Mayor Vladimir Jokic, expressed satisfaction that citizens of Bigova Bay will, after many years of preparations and negotiations, together with the Municipality of Kotor take over the right to use an infrastructure scope within this project.

The reason for our today’s gathering, the Bigova Bay investment is currently the biggest investment in tourism in the Municipality of Kotor. That is sufficient reason for the Municipality to make additional efforts for its realization, together with the Investor. From the Municipality or Government’s point of view, this is not just another investment in tourism but much more. A partnership concluded between the Municipality and the Investor for joint investment into infrastructure will result in, not only realization of this investment but it will change the overall appearance of Donji Grbalj area”, Jokic told.

He also stated that the investment of approximately 14 million euro into infrastructure to the Peninsula will create a precondition for provision of water supply and stabilization of power supply for overall area of Donji Grbalj in near future and those are essential conditions for a normal life.

For that reason the Municipality has undertaken all the measures to enable as smooth and efficient as possible development of this process, with great understanding from our investors for our current financial situation caused by current pandemic. We believe that soon, we will be able to make all citizens of the Municipality of Kotor happy with the announcement on commencement of the water supply construction works, continuation of the works on access roads to the Trašte peninsula and that we will be able to stay in the first hotel to be open and Bigova Bay will then start in its full capacity”, told Jokic.

To remind, the subject road construction works were commenced in September 2020 and have been finished within a contracted nine-month period, and taking-over in the course of June. The Contract has been realized within the contracted amount of EUR 1.564.571,07.



An access to the peninsula is provided by new road over the field and reconstruction of the existing macadam road so the new road is a flexible payment structure of 882m length and 6mwidth (two traffic lanes, 3m each), edged by concrete elements – edge beams and a drain gutter which is, along with culverts and channel an integral part of a storm water drainage system. Hydrotechnical installations are placed inside the road body – transit water supply pipeline, three sewage pipelines; electrical installations – 2x10Kv power supply cables and LV cable lines as well as telecommunication cable canalization.

Construction of the subject road will be divided in two phases, the initial and final phase, toprevent damaging of the road finishing works during its intended use as a site access to the hotel that is planned for construction within the first phase of the project. A final road construction phase comprises of finishing asphalt layer, completion of public lighting works and stone cladding of the remaining walls along the sections used for circulation of construction machines. A final phase will be finished before opening of the hotel. Theroad is equipped with appropriate temporary traffic signalization and ancillaries.

BBI Development d.o.o. will proceed its further activities on realization of the Agreement with the Municipality of Kotor in the next period, namely designing of road on the peninsula itself and a tender process for selection of a contractor for water supply construction, 35Kv cable lines and main link road from Jugodrvo to Bigova in length of 6.5km, based on the building permits issued by the Municipality of Kotor, as announced by BBI Development.



Source: Radio Kotor






Project details